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引用本文:王耶 刘建宇. 丹参和透明质酸钠注射液对骨性关节炎治疗作用的实验研究[J]. 中国生化药物杂志, 1998, 19(5): 248-251
作者姓名:王耶 刘建宇
摘    要:采取家兔膝关节制动方法建立骨性关节炎动物模型,用丹参注射液和透明质酸钠注射液关节腔内注射进行治疗,分别在制动后3、6、9周测量关节活动度,取关节软骨制成标本经光镜和透射电镜观察。结果显示,与单纯制动组比较,丹参治疗组和透明质酸钠治疗组的关节活动度明显改善,关节病变出现晚,程度轻,以早期最明显。表明丹参和透明质酸钠具有延缓和减轻关节退变的作用,对骨性关节炎早期有一定的治疗作用。

关 键 词:丹参  透明质酸钠  骨性关节炎

The Experimental Study on Intraarticular Danshen and Sodium Hyaluronate Injection for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis
Wang Ye, Liu Jianyu, Song Yan, Meng Fanli. The Experimental Study on Intraarticular Danshen and Sodium Hyaluronate Injection for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis[J]. Chinese Journal of Biochemical Pharmaceutics, 1998, 19(5): 248-251
Authors:Wang Ye   Liu Jianyu   Song Yan   Meng Fanli
Affiliation:Wang Ye; Liu Jianyu; Song Yan; Meng Fanli(The Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University (Haerbin 150086))
Abstract:Thirty-six rabbits were used as animal model of osteoarthritis by knee joint immobilization.The immobilized joints were injected with danshen or sodium hyaluronate (SH) or untreated. At 3, 6and 9 weeks after immobilization, we measured the range of movement of jointS and obsewed articalarcartilage by light and e1ectron microscopes. The results showed that the range of movement of joints indanshen and SH group were much larger than that of the untreated group. The degenerative changes ofarticular cartilage in were much more serious than that of danshen and SH group. The results indicatethat danshen and SH had theraputic effect on osteoarthritis.
Keywords:Danshen   Sodium hyaluronate   Osteoarthritis
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