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Surface antigens on normal and leukaemic human cells detected by monoclonal antibodies
Authors:G Morstyn  D Metcalf  A Burgess  J W Fabre
Surface antigens were analyzed on normal human marrow and chronic myeloid leukaemic cells using 4 monoclonal mouse anti-human antibodies. The fluorescence-activated cell sorter was used to quantify the binding of each antibody to different subpopulations of cells, and sorted fractions were cultured in agar-medium to assay for granulocyte-macrophage and eosinophil precursors. All cells in the granulocyte series including colony-forming cells bound a similar quantity of an antibody to the human leucocyte common antigen. This antibody did not bind to cells in the erythroid series. A monoclonal antibody to antigen present on brain, lymphocytes and granulocytes (and almost certainly homologous to the W3/13 antigen of the rat) bound to the cells in the order: blast greater than promyelocytes and myelocytes greater than granulocytes. The third monoclonal antibody was directed against a determinant of the leucocyte common antigen present predominantly on B lymphocytes and absent from the myeloid series. The fourth antibody, directed against the human homologue of Thy-1, reacted with less than 1% of marrow cells, none of which appeared to be granulocyte or eosinophil progenitors. The leucocoyte common antigen and the brain-lymphocyte-granulocyte-antigen were also present on colony- and cluster-forming cells from a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia. Using the low angle and wide angle light scatter properties of CML blood cells, 7-fold enrichment was obtained for progenitor cells from chronic myeloid leukaemia. With the monoclonal antibodies up to 4-fold enrichment was obtained.
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