Abstract: | In the city of Chelyabinsk during 1996 through 2003 there was growing incidence of necrotic complications of syndrome of the diabetic foot (SDF) from 26.0 up to 50.5 per 100 000 adults (p < or = 0.001). According to prognosis the incidence of SDF will grow by 2010 more than two times (R2 = 0.9849). Comparison of effectiveness of surgical treatment on Diabetological centers (1st group) and non-specialized institutions (2nd group) has shown that lethality in the first group was 4.2%, in the second group--9.7%. In the first group the frequency of high amputations decreased from 31.3% in 1996 to 12.3% in 2005 (p < 0.05). As a whole, organizational, diagnostic and medical defects of treatment were noted in 89.5 out of 100 patients in both groups, the errors in specialized institutions being made 5.7 times more rarely than in non-specialized ones, that speaks well to specialized Diabetological centers. |