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引用本文:王学民 江以红. 计算机图像分析在轻度皮肤刺激反应评判中的运用研究[J]. 临床皮肤科杂志, 1999, 28(6): 337-339
作者姓名:王学民 江以红
摘    要:作者借助Pholtoshop来分析评判轻度皮肤刺激反应。每个受试区用皮肤分光光度测量仪检测,并在试验前后在设定的条件下摄取图像,临床评估则按照IGDRG标准。所有图像用图像分析表在GreyscaleRGB,CMYK和Lab模式颗各个光亮度或灰度值同皮肤反应程度呈 线性相关。同样皮肤分光光度测量仪所测L和值与各种模式的光亮度和RGB模式和R和Lab的a值也是呈很好的线性相关。作者认为用Photosh

关 键 词:皮肤刺激反应 分光光度法 计算机图像分析

Application of computer image analysis in evaluation of mild skin irritation reactions
Wang Xuemin, Jiang Yihong, Wang Haijun, Zhou Yutian, ZhangQinxiang, Lin Ninfeng, Le Jiayu. Application of computer image analysis in evaluation of mild skin irritation reactions[J]. Journal of Clinical Dermatology, 1999, 28(6): 337-339
Authors:Wang Xuemin   Jiang Yihong   Wang Haijun   Zhou Yutian   ZhangQinxiang   Lin Ninfeng   Le Jiayu
Abstract:The mild skin irritation reaction of acute skin occlusive patch test are analysedwith Photoshop. Every test site was measured by chromameter and the image of this sitewas recorded under designed condition before and after patch. All test sites were visuallyscored according to the ICDRG grading Scale. The images were analysed with histogramunder Greyscale, RGB, CMYK and Lab mode of Photoshop. There was linear correlationbetween the value of luminosity or black of each mode and grading of skin irritation (r = -0. 993, P < 0. 05). There were a good linear relationshop between the L and a valuemeasured by chromameter and the value of luminosity or each color mode and the a valuemeasured by chromameter and the Red value of RGB mode or the a value of Lab mode (r> 0. 990, P < 0. 05). The authors suggest that the image analysed with Photoshop is assensitive and scientific as chromameter measurement. It is one of the easily using andobjective evaluation method for skin.
Keywords:Skin irritation reaction Chromameter Computer image analysis
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