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Virus-induced antigen in cells infected with the herpes simplex virus
Authors:P N Kosiakov  T A Posevaia  N P Kosiakova  I F Barinski?
Abstract:A new antigen differing from those of mature virion and noninfected cell was shown to appear in herpes simplex (HSV) virus-infected cells. It is virus-specified since the nonvirion antigen had a similar determinant in cells of different species origin. Nonvirion antigens induced by HSV types 1 and 2 were serologically similar. Differences in the specific activity of sera to the new nonvirion antigen and mature virus antigens were established by three different methods: complement fixation test, mixed hemadsorption, and biological neutralization. The early virus-induced antigen found in HSV-infected cells differed by many properties from the antigen previously described by Tarro and Sabin (1970).
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