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引用本文:梁波,于国放,金星,张素珍,贾涛,郭素芹. 多普勒超声诊断股静脉血液反流的探测点研究[J]. 中华超声影像学杂志, 2004, 13(2): 118-120
作者姓名:梁波  于国放  金星  张素珍  贾涛  郭素芹
作者单位:1. 250021,济南,山东省立医院超声诊疗中心
2. 250021,济南,山东省立医院血管外科
摘    要:
目的 探讨多普勒超声检查下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全(DVI)时股静脉内测点选择对诊断的影响。方法 对患有下肢浅静脉曲张的67例患者共134条股静脉分别在3个不同的测点进行Valsava屏气下脉冲多普勒(PW)频谱分析,并结合彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)将检查的结果与数字减影血管造影(DSA)和(或)手术结果进行比较。结果 股浅静脉上端测点的检查结果较另两个测点更加贴近DSA和(或)手术的结论。结论 脉冲多普勒频谱分析是检查DVI有效的方法,而合理地选择取样点(股浅静脉上端)是保障正确诊断的关键。

关 键 词:多普勒超声检查 诊断 股静脉血液反流 下肢浅静脉曲张

Study of the probing points of Doppler sonography in diagnosis of femoral vein reflux
LIANG Bo,YU Guo-fang,JIN Xing,et al.. Study of the probing points of Doppler sonography in diagnosis of femoral vein reflux[J]. Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography, 2004, 13(2): 118-120
Authors:LIANG Bo  YU Guo-fang  JIN Xing  et al.
Affiliation:LIANG Bo,YU Guo-fang,JIN Xing,et al. Sonography Center of Shandon Provincial Hospital,Jinan 250021,China
ObjectiveTo discuss the influence on diagn osing of femoral vein reflux by using the different ultrasound Doppler probing points. MethodsUsing pulse wave(PW) and color Doppler flow imaging, 134 femoral veins in 67 cases of lower limb varicosity were detected at 3 different probing points to check up the deep venous reflux after Valsava maneuver. The ultrasonographic data were compared with the results of venous DSA and operation to analyze the influence on diagnosis. ResultsThe reflux data obtained from the upper point of superficial femoral vein was most correlative with the results of DSA and operation. ConclusionsThe PW is a satisfactory technique in diagnosing the femoral reflux, and the upper point of superficial femoral vein is a most reasonable probing point.
Keywords:Ultrasonography  Doppler  Femoral vein  Venous insufficiency
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