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Effects on electron beam penumbra using the photon MLC to reduce bremsstrahlung leakage for an add-on electron MLC
Authors:Olofsson Lennart  Karlsson Magnus G  Karlsson Mikael
Affiliation:Department of Radiation Sciences, Radiation Physics, Ume? University, SE-901 87 Ume?, Sweden. lennart.olofsson@radfys.umu.se
Abstract:Electron IMRT treatments have the potential to reduce the integral dose due to the limited range of the electrons. However, bremsstrahlung produced in the scattering foils could penetrate an added electron MLC (eMLC), thus producing an unmodulated dose contribution that could become unacceptable in electron IMRT treatments. To limit this bremsstrahlung contribution, the photon MLC (xMLC) was used to track the eMLC, but with a margin to avoid penumbra widening through partial screening of the effective electron source. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of the photon-electron MLC tracking on the electron beam penumbra for different treatment head designs. Both isocentric designs and designs where the eMLC is used close to the patient (proximity geometry) have been analysed using Monte Carlo simulations. At 22.5 MeV energy, a tracking margin of 1 cm was enough to avoid penumbra degradation for a helium-filled isocentric geometry, while air-filled geometries (including proximity geometries) require a 2-3 cm margin. Illustrated by an example of a chest wall treatment by electron IMRT, the use of 1 cm tracking margin will reduce the collimator leakage contribution by a factor of 36 as compared to using a static setting of the photon collimator.
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