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摘    要:卫气营血理论是根据外感温热病发生发展的规律进行辨证的一种方法 ,揭示了外感温热病由表入里、由浅入深的一般规律,从而为治疗提供依据。中风病发病急骤,症见多端,病情变化迅速,在症状、传变规律、病机等方面与卫气营血传变存在相似之处,因此,本文旨在探析中风病证候特点及传变规律与卫气营血辨证之间的相关性,以期以卫气营血理论指导中风病的辨证治疗。

关 键 词:温病  卫气营血  中风病

The Correlation between Stroke and the Theory of Defense-Qi-Nutrient-Blood Differentiation
Affiliation:,Weifang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract:The theory of defense-qi-nutrient-blood is a syndrome differentiation method according to the common laws of the occurrence and development of warm disease. It revealed the common laws of warm disease,that pathogenic qi invades from the exterior to the interior,from the surface to the inside,thus to provide a basis for treatment. Occurrence of stroke is urgent,the symptom is various,and the development is rapid,similar to defense-qi-nutrient-blood transmission. Hence,this paper aims to explore the correlation between stroke and defense-qi-nutrient-blood,in order to guide the syndrome differentiation and treatment of stroke with the theory of defense-qi-nutrient-blood.
Keywords:warm disease  defense-qi-nutrient-blood  stroke
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