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摘    要:刘完素重视五运六气并灵活运用,在《素问玄机原病式》中只讲小运不讲大运,既是经验的总结,更是对《内经》理论的阐发。他阐发《内经》病机,指出五运主病与六气病机,并补充了"燥"之病机。刘完素主张火热,与其所处年代有关,按照"六气大司天"理论,时值六十五甲子,为燥火用事,阳明燥金司天,故治以寒凉。他阐发亢害承制理论认为造化之所以生生不息,正是由于五运相互承制,从六气标本逆从理论论治具体病证,认为脏腑经络不必本气兴衰而能为其病。六气变乱,五行正常的制约关系受到破坏,往往相兼为病,而疾病之所以千变万化,就是因为这种"兼化"关系。

关 键 词:刘完素  五运六气  火热论

Analysis on Academic Thoughts of LIU Wansu about Five Evolutive Phases and Six Climatic Factors
Affiliation:,Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital
Abstract:LIU Wansu emphasized five evolutive phases and six climatic factors and its clinical flexibility.Etiology Based on Plain Questions written by LIU Wansu focusing on Xiaoyun instead of Dayun was the experience summary,the theoretical explanation of Canon of Medicine. He pointed out that pathogenesis of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors in Canon of Medicine and supplemented the pathogenesis of dryness. LIU Wansu advocated fire-heat theory related to his living time. Based on the theory of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors,it was the time of sixty-five Jiazi,dryness-heat and Yangming dry metal dominating the nature,so it should be treated by herbs cold and cool in nature. LIU Hejian explained the theory of restraining excessiveness to acquire harmony as that if one aspect became excessive,it would present the opposite property. Our nature kept moving forward because of the restraining and promotion of five phases. He applied the theory of routine and contrary in six climatic factors to treat the specific syndromes.Hejian believed that diseases of Zang-fu and meridians were caused by not only their own reasons but also the abnormal six climatic factors and the abnormal relationships of five phases. The numerous diseases were due to the relationship of accompany and transformation.
Keywords:LIU Wansu  five evolutive phases and six climatic factors  fire-heat theory
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