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摘    要:中医与西医的学术差异有微观和宏观两个层次,宏观差异是学术视野的分异,是整体性和根本性的差异。以欧氏几何与非欧几何为例,论证了中西医学术的分野是两圆相交式,即局部相交,主体相异,核心并立,方向相悖。指出了中西医学术分野的一个焦点——是否以人为本;剖析了中西医学术的四个分野点——人与人体之分、还原与非还原之分、生态与理化之分、临床研究与实验研究之分。总结了中西医学术分野的两个基本特征——中医视野宽广但深细不足,西医视野缩减而深细。

关 键 词:中医  中西医差异  学术视野  学术分野  中西医分野点

Academic Focus and Dividing Line of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
Affiliation:,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract:The acadimic differences of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine can be divided into micro and macro levels. The macro difference is the differentiation of academic views and it is an integrity and fundamental difference. Based on Euclidean geometry and non-Euclidean geometry,the author demonstrates that the division of the research fields of the two medical systems is like two intersecting circles. They belong to different subjects and partly intersect. Their cores exist side by side and their directions are contrary to each other. Whether based on human being is the focus of the academic division of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. The paper analyzes the four division points of the two medical systems:the differences between body and human being,the differences between reduction and non-reduction,the differences between bionomics and physiclhemical and the differences between clinical research and experimental research. The two basic academic characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine are summarized:the research field of traditional Chinese medicine is broad but not deep and the research field of western medicine is deep but not broad.
Keywords:traditional Chinese medicine  the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine  academic views  academic division  dividing line of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine
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