Affiliation: | 1.Department of Exercise Physiology & Health Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran ;2.Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Human Science, University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran ; |
Abstract: | Skeletal muscle contractions are caused to release myokines by muscle fiber. This study investigated the myogenic regulatory factors, as MHC I, IIA, IIX, Myo-D, MRF4, Murf, Atrogin-1, Decorin, Myonection, and IL-15 mRNA expression in the response of eccentric vs concentric contraction. Eighteen healthy men were randomly divided into two eccentric and concentric groups, each of 9 persons. Isokinetic contraction protocols included maximal single-leg eccentric or concentric knee extension tasks at 60°/s with the dominant leg. Contractions consisted of a maximum of 12 sets of 10 reps, and the rest time between each set was 30 s. The baseline biopsy was performed 4 weeks before the study, and post-test biopsies were taken immediately after exercise protocols from the vastus lateralis muscle. The gene expression levels were evaluated using Real-Time PCR methods. The eccentric group showed a significantly lower RPE score than the concentric group (P?≤?0.05). A significant difference in MyoD, MRF4, Myonection, and Decorin mRNA, were observed following eccentric or concentric contractions (P?≤?0.05). The MHC I, MHC IIA, IL-15 mRNA has been changed significantly compared to the pre-exercise in the concentric group (P?≤?0.05). While only MHC IIX and Atrogin-1 mRNA changed significantly in the eccentric group (P?≤?0.05). Additionally, the results showed a significant difference in MyoD, MRF4, IL-15, and Decorin at the follow-up values between eccentric or concentric groups (P?≤?0.05). Our findings highlight the growing importance of elucidating the different responses of muscle growth factors associated with a myogenic activity such as MHC IIA, Decorin, IL-15, Myonectin, Decorin, MuRF1, and MHC IIX mRNA in following various types of exercise. |