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Multiple bilateral pulmonary nodules revealing a congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation
Authors:Aichaouia C  Farah S  Dabboussi S  Moatamri Z  M'hamdi S  Bougrine F  Bouzaiene A  Khadhraoui M  Cheikh R
Affiliation:1. Service de pneumologie-allergologie, hôpital militaire principal d’instruction de Tunis, 1008 Tunis, Tunisie;2. Service d’anatomopathologie, hôpital militaire principal d’instruction de Tunis, Tunis, Tunisie
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) of the lung is a rare congenital developmental abnormality, representing about 25% of all congenital lung lesions. It is very rare that presentation is delayed until adulthood. We report a case of 63-year-old woman without notable pathological antecedents in whom a systematic chest X-ray revealed multiple bilateral pulmonary nodules. The patient was asymptomatic and her physical examination was normal. CT scan showed bilateral liquid rounded thin-walled densities of various size, with a homogeneous non calcified content. The diagnosis was based on radiological findings and surgery. The result of histopathological examination obtained by thoracic surgery confirmed CCAM without malignancy. The postoperative follow up showed an excellent recovery.
Keywords:Malformation adénomatoïde kystique congénitale   Anomalie congénitale du développement   Poumon   Adulte
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