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Fibroblast subpopulations in intra-oral wound healing
Authors:Hugo E. Van Beurden,MSc,   Patricia A.M. Snoek,BAC,   Johannes W. Von Den Hoff,PhD,   Ruurd Torensma,PhD,   Anne-Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman,DDS,PhD
Affiliation:Department of Orthodontics and Oral Biology, University Medical Center Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. H.vanbeurden@dent.umcn.nl
Abstract:The objective of this study was to characterize fibroblasts at sequential time points during intra-oral wound healing in the rat. Experimental wounds were made at several time points in the mucoperiosteum of the palate of 35-day-old Wistar rats. Fibroblasts were cultured from the biopsies under standard conditions for the same number of passages. The expression of the integrin subunits alpha 1, alpha 6, and beta 1; and the intermediate filaments alpha-smooth muscle actin and vimentin were analyzed by flow cytometry. Western blot analysis was performed at 0, 8, and 60 days postwounding to confirm the expression of both intermediate filaments. The phenotypic profiles of fibroblasts cultured from subsequent stages in the wound healing process differed considerably. We conclude that distinct fibroblast phenotypes can be isolated from different stages in wound healing. These phenotypes remained stable during in vitro culturing. In addition, cryosections of the wound areas were made at identical time points and were immunohistochemically stained for the same antigens. The immunohistochemical staining correlated well to the flow-cytometric data. These results suggest the occurrence of multiple subpopulations of fibroblasts with a specialized function during wound healing. We hypothesize that undesirable consequences of wound healing might be prevented through the modulation of specific fibroblast subpopulations.
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