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引用本文:董忠,李刚,谢瑾,周滢,张京,赵越,焦淑芳. 北京市成年人主要慢性病流行特征分析[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2010, 26(3)
作者姓名:董忠  李刚  谢瑾  周滢  张京  赵越  焦淑芳
摘    要:目的分析北京市成年人常见慢性病的流行特征。方法自行设计的调查问卷。于2008年10-11月,采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法对北京市18~79岁的22 206名常住居民进行问卷调查、体格测量和实验室检查。结果调查人群高血压、糖尿病、超重、肥胖、中心性肥胖和血脂异常的患病率分别为30.3%,6.1%,36.2%,19.1%,51.5%和34.2%;其中男性分别为38.8%,8.2%,42.5%,22.5%,62.8%和42.9%,女性分别为27.9%,5.7%,34.7%,18.4%,47.9%和30.4%,男性各慢性病患病率均高于女性;郊区高血压和肥胖的患病率分别为34.8%和23.0%,已高于城区的31.6%和18.7%;50岁男性各种慢性病的患病率均高于女性,50~60岁糖尿病、肥胖、中心性肥胖和血脂异常的患病率则女性高于男性;男性的发病高峰在青壮年期,女性在绝经期。结论肥胖和血脂异常已成为北京市成年人重要健康问题;郊区的慢性病患病水平已接近或超过城区。

关 键 词:高血压  糖尿病  肥胖  血脂异常  流行特征

Prevalent charateristics of common chronic diseases among adults in Beijing
DONG Zhong,LI Gang,XIE Jin,et al.. Prevalent charateristics of common chronic diseases among adults in Beijing[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2010, 26(3)
Authors:DONG Zhong  LI Gang  XIE Jin  et al.
Affiliation:DONG Zhong,LI Gang,XIE Jin,et al.Institute of Chronic Disease Control,Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Prevention , Control(Beijing 100013,China)
Abstract:Objective To understand the prevalence of common chronic diseases in adults of Beijing.Methods Totally 22206 adults aged 18-79 years were randomly selected with stratified multi-stage cluster sampling method.All participants were invited to receive a face-to-face questionnaire interview,physical examination and laboratory tests.Results The prevalence of hypertension,diabetes,overweight,obesity,central obesity and dyslipidemia were 30.3%,6.1%,36.2%,19.1%,51.5%,and 34.2% among the participants,respectively.Th...
Keywords:hypertension  diabetes  obesity  dyslipidemia  prevalent characteristics
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