Abstract: | ![]() Based on the experience in treating 67 burnpatients, we propose the following contraindica-tions to extensive escharectomy: hemorrhagicdiathesis calls for postponement of escharec-tomy until the cause iS, found and treated;multiple system organ failure due to low flowstate requires escharectomy postponement for afew days and energetic treatment to correct thiscomplication; serious burn infections have a focusof invading infection which should be found andtotally removed during escharectomy, but if thefocus of infection causing the septicemia is, not identified, one should not take it for granted thatextensive escharectomy will be of much help asthe surgery may be fatal; uncorrected electrolyteand acid-base imbalance contraindicate extensiveescharectomy; very extensive and deep burnswith the patient seriously ill call for prolongingthe interval between operations unless there isan infectious focus necessitating immediate re-moval. |