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引用本文:吴朝晖,张守尧,张忠义,邹恒琴,邓葛峰. HPLC测定鼻可灵喷雾剂中氧氟沙星和盐酸麻黄碱的含量[J]. 中国现代应用药学, 1998, 15(2): 54-55
作者姓名:吴朝晖  张守尧  张忠义  邹恒琴  邓葛峰
作者单位:1. 第一军医大学珠江医院,广州 510283
2. 黄山解放军532医院
摘    要:
采用高效液相色谱法,同时测定了鼻可灵喷雾剂中氧氟沙星和盐酸麻黄碱的含量,色谱柱为Hypersil BDS,流动相为0.1%三乙胺-乙腈。检测波长为256nm,两被测组分的回收率分别为氧氟沙星100.2%,盐酸麻黄碱100.7%,日内、日间偏差均小于5%。

关 键 词:高效液相色谱 氧氟沙星 麻黄碱 鼻可灵 喷雾剂

The determination of ofloxacin and ephedrine hydrochloride in Bikeling nasal drops by HPLC
Wu Zhaohui(Wu ZH,et al. The determination of ofloxacin and ephedrine hydrochloride in Bikeling nasal drops by HPLC[J]. The Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy, 1998, 15(2): 54-55
Authors:Wu Zhaohui(Wu ZH  et al
Ofloxacin and ephedrine hydrochloride in Bikeling nasal drops were simultaneously determined by HPLC. The column was hypersil BDS(4mm x 250mm). The mobile phase was 0. 1% triethylamine(adjusted to pH 3.2 with phosphoric acid)-acetonitrile(85:15). The detective wavelength was 256nm and the flow rate was 1ml/min. The average recovery and relative standard deviation were 100. 2%, 0. 87% for ofloxacin and 100. 6%, 1.55% for ephedrine hydrochloride. The relative standard deviation of within-day and betwwen-day were all less than 5%.
Keywords:HPLC   ofloxacin   ephedrine hydrochloride   Bikeling nasal drops
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