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Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III subtypes of opioid dependence: validity and matching to behavioral therapies
Authors:Ball Samuel A  Nich Charla  Rounsaville Bruce J  Eagan Dorothy  Carroll Kathleen M
Affiliation:Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, West Haven, CT 06516, USA. samuel.ball@yale.edu
The concurrent and predictive validity of 2 different methods of Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III subtyping (protocol sorting, cluster analysis) was evaluated in 125 recently detoxified opioid-dependent outpatients in a 12-week randomized clinical trial. Participants received naltrexone and relapse prevention group counseling and were assigned to 1 of 3 intervention conditions: (a) no-incentive vouchers, (b) incentive vouchers alone, or (c) incentive vouchers plus relationship counseling. Affective disturbance was the most common Axis I protocol-sorted subtype (66%), antisocial-narcissistic was the most common Axis II subtype (46%), and cluster analysis suggested that a 2-cluster solution (high vs. low psychiatric severity) was optimal. Predictive validity analyses indicated less symptom improvement for the higher problem subtypes, and patient treatment matching analyses indicated that some subtypes had better outcomes in the no-incentive voucher conditions.
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