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引用本文:姚英民,欧巧群,陈瑶. 人类轮状病毒感染新生小鼠肠道外组织超微结构的变化[J]. 南方医科大学学报, 2006, 26(9): 1334-1336
作者姓名:姚英民  欧巧群  陈瑶
作者单位:1. 南方医科大学南方医院儿科,广东,广州,510515
2. 南方医科大学生物技术学院,广东,广州,510515
摘    要:目的了解人类轮状病毒(RV)全身扩散后对机体肠道外脏器超微结构的影响,为临床的诊治提供有价值依据。方法选州对人类RV敏感的健康新生昆明小鼠,经腹腔注射接种RV,3d后处死小鼠,透视电镜下观察小肠、心、肺、肝、肾组织的病理变化,并与健康小鼠比较.结果电镜下RV腹腔注射组肠绒毛变短,核膜结构破坏,细胞内出现大量吸收小泡、自嗜泡,粗而内质网扩张;肝细胞线粒体肿胀-凝集病变尤为明显,细胞核固缩、崩解,嵴膜模糊不清,粗而内质网扩张.肝细胞中存在大量脂滴.细胞之间淋巴细胞和浆细胞侵润显著:毛细胆管明显扩张,微绒毛脱落;肾近曲小管线粒体轻度肿胀:心、肺末见明瞳改变结论不仅肠绒毛上皮是人类RV的易感组织,RV一旦向全身扩散,也可造成多脏器结构改变,其中肝脏组织的损害较为明显,提示肝脏也可能是人类RV的易感组织之一.

关 键 词:轮状病毒  肠道外感染  显微镜检查

Ultrastructural changes of the extraintestinal organs of newborn mice with human rotavirus infection
YAO Ying-min,OU Qiao-qun,CHEN Yao. Ultrastructural changes of the extraintestinal organs of newborn mice with human rotavirus infection[J]. Journal of Southern Medical University, 2006, 26(9): 1334-1336
Authors:YAO Ying-min  OU Qiao-qun  CHEN Yao
Affiliation:Department of Pediatrics, Nanfang Hospital1, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China. yym52930@sina.com
Abstract:Objective To investigate the ultrastuctural changes of the extraintestinal organs of newborn mice with human retrovirus (RV) infection to probe into the mechanism and clinical diagnose and therapy of extraintestinal RV infection. Methods Human RV was inoculated into the abdominal cavity of the newborn mice, and the ultrastructural changes of the heart, lung, livers, and kidneys of the infected and control mice were observed by transmission electron microscope. Results The mice with intraabdominal RV injection showed pathological changes of the cells in the small intestinal villus, liver, and kidneys. Shortened small intestinal villus, nuclear membrane disorganization, massive vacuolization, mitochondrial swelling and rough endoplasmic reticulum dilation were observed in the cells of the small intestinal. In the liver of the mice, marked mitochondrial swelling and agglutination, cell nucleus pyknosis or collapse, presence of numerous lipid droplets and vacuoles were seen in the liver cells, with lymphocyte and plasmacyte infiltration. Obvious dilatation and shedding of the microvillus were seen in cholangioles. The mitochondria of the proximal convoluted renal tubule showed mild swelling, but the cells in the heart and lung did not display obvious changes. Conclusion The small intestinal villi were highly susceptible to RV infection, and systemic spread of human RV may cause damage of various extraintestinal organs especially the liver, which can also be susceptible to RV.
Keywords:rotavirus   extra intestinal infection
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