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引用本文:李伟强,关炽雄,李功理. 诱蚊诱卵器监测法在广州大学城蚊媒监测中的应用[J]. 医学动物防制, 2014, 0(8): 860-862
作者姓名:李伟强  关炽雄  李功理
摘    要:目的分析广州大学城2011-2012年诱蚊诱卵器监测情况,探讨诱蚊诱卵器监测指标与传统蚊媒监测指标之间的关系。方法于2011-2012年在广州大学城选择校舍、公园、医院、工地、废品收购站等可能孳生伊蚊的场所布放诱蚊诱卵器,每个监测点诱卵器之间的距离在50 m以上,并与传统指标进行相关性分析。结果共布放1 320个诱蚊诱卵器,有效回收1 277个,阳性78个,诱蚊诱卵指数为6.11。其中公园、校舍、工地诱蚊诱卵指数较高,差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.534,P〈0.05)。诱蚊诱卵指数与传统指标布雷图指数、容器指数之间具有相关性(r=0.600,P=0.002;r=0.525,P=0.008)。结论诱蚊诱卵器监测法在广州大学城的伊蚊密度监测中发挥重要作用,诱蚊诱卵指数与布雷图指数、容器指数等传统蚊媒监测指标之间存在正相关关系。

关 键 词:白纹伊蚊  诱蚊诱卵器  蚊媒监测

The application of Mosq - ovitrap monitoring methods of college town in Guangzhou
Affiliation:LI Wei - qiang, GUAN Chi - xiong, LI Gong - li (Guangzhou Panyu Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangdong 511400, China)
Abstract:Objective Analysis of the monitoring situation on Mosq -ovitrap in Guangzhou college town during 2011 -2012, to explore the relationship between the monitoring indicators of Mosq- ovitrap and traditional mosquito monitoring indexes. Methods Laying the Mosq - ovitrap on mosquito - breeding places such as school houses in Guangzhou college town, parks, hospitals, construction sites, and the recycling stations, the distance is over 50m between each Mosq- ovitrap in monitoring points, and the correlation analysis was per- formed with traditional indexes. Results Totally placed 1320 Mosq - ovitrap, effective recovered of 1277, positive of 78, mosquito and oviposition index was 6. 11. The Mosq - ovitrap index is higher in parks, school houses and construction sites, the difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 11. 534, P 〈 0. 05) . There is a correlation between the mosquito and oviposition trap index (MOI) and traditional Breteau index, container index ( r = 0. 600, P = 0. 002 ; r = 0. 525, P = 0. 008 ) . Conclusions The Mosq - ovitrap monitoring methods plays an important role in Aedes density monitoring in Guangzhou college town, there is a positive correlation between MOI and traditional indicators such as the Breteau index, container index etc.
Keywords:Aedes albopictus  Mosq - ovitrap  Mosquito surveillance
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