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An Evaluation of Technetium-99m Tin Colloid--Its Value in the Diagnosis of Renal Transplant Rejection
Authors:Wijeyesinghe, E. C. R.   Hawkins, T.   keavey, Pauline M.   Wilkinson, R.
Affiliation:1Departments Nephrology Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 2Departments of Regional Medical Physics, Freeman Hospital Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Abstract:The value of the Technetium-99m tin colloid (TTC) scan in thediagnosis of renal transplant rejection occurring more than1 month following transplantation was assessed. To our knowledge,use of this agent has not previously been reported. Gamma cameraimaging was performed on 15 occasions in 14 patients in whomplasma creatinine was rising and in three patients in whom renalfunction was stable. Both a qualitative and a quantitative assessmentof images was made. The radioactivity recorded over the graft at 12–16 mmpost injection was expressed as a percentage of that recordedat 0–4 min. In the nine patients in whom graft perfusionwas adequate to allow interpretation of the TTC scan and inwhom rejection was diagnosed by biopsy (six cases) or on clinicalgrounds (three cases), the index ranged from 45 to 153%. Intwo patients the graft was poorly perfused and the accumulationof TTC was predictably low despite the presence of rejection.In the seven patients with either a stable creatinine or withrising creatinine not due to rejection, the index ranged from5 to 43%. Previously reported studies have shown that sulphur colloidsmay be of value in diagnosing graft rejection. This study suggeststhat Tc99m tin colloid may be regarded as a suitable alternativescanning agent and that some simplification of data collectionand analysis can be achieved.
Keywords:Renal transplant rejection   Radionuclide studies   Technetium tin colloid
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