Abstract: | We report our experiences in managing a patient with cholesteatoma complicated by meningitis, labyrinthitis and facial nerve palsy. The antero-inferior half of the tympanum was aerated but the postero-superior portion of the tympanic membrane was tightly adherent to the promontry mucosa. An attic perforation was present at the back of the malleolar head. High-resolution computed tomography also uncovered a fistula in the lateral semicircular canal. Surgical exploration of the middle ear cavity demonstrated that both the vestibule and cochlea were filled with cholesteatoma, and the cholesteatoma extended into the internal auditory meatus through the lateral semicircular canal fistula. The cholesteatoma was removed by opening the vestibule and cochlea with a preservation of the facial nerve. Post-operatively, an incomplete facial palsy remained, but has improved slowly. There is no sign of recurrence to date after a 3-year period of observation. |