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引用本文:张杰,钱焕文,单清,任华,焦振宇. 重组人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子对恒河猴眼激光视网膜损伤的治疗作用[J]. 中国激光医学杂志, 1999, 8(2): 0
作者姓名:张杰  钱焕文  单清  任华  焦振宇
摘    要:目的探讨重组人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(recombinanthumanbasicfibroblastgrowthfactor,rhbFGF)对激光眼损伤的治疗作用。方法将采用氩离子激光照射(功率180~270mW)致视网膜损伤的恒河猴分4组,每组4只。其中2组动物自照射后11~12h开始每3天1次分别球后注射rhbFGF1μg/kg和2μg/kg,1组动物于相同时间注射地塞米松1mg/kg作为阳性对照,另1组为照射对照组。激光照射后即刻和7、14、21、28天行眼底彩色照相,记录激光损伤灶的形态变化,每天进行检眼镜观察。每组各有1只猴于照射后7、14、21、28天行双眼球摘出术,分别作眼底组织学和超微结构观察。结果与地塞米松组和照射对照组比较,rhbFGF治疗组动物视网膜损伤斑明显变浅淡,色素沉着减少,视网膜损伤斑面积明显缩小(P<005),愈合修复较快。rhbFGF不仅能促进视网膜损伤区的细胞增生,而且能减少视细胞的损伤和缺失。结论rhbFGF对激光视网膜损伤有明显的治疗作用,有良好的临床应用前景。

关 键 词:成纤维细胞生长因子.碱性;视网膜;激光

Therapeutic Effect of Recombinant Human Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor on Laser Induced Retina Injuries in Rhesus Monkeys
ZHANG Jie,QIAN Huanwen,SHAN Qing,REN Hua,JIAO Zhenyu. Therapeutic Effect of Recombinant Human Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor on Laser Induced Retina Injuries in Rhesus Monkeys[J]. Chinese Journal of Laser Medicine & Surgery, 1999, 8(2): 0
Authors:ZHANG Jie  QIAN Huanwen  SHAN Qing  REN Hua  JIAO Zhenyu
Abstract:Objective To study what effect rhbFGF has on laserinduced ratina injuries. Methods 16 rhesus monkeys whose retinas were injured by argon ion laser (180270 mW, exposed for 300 ms) were devided into four groups, 4 animals each. Two groups were injected postbulbarly with 1 g/kg and 2 g/kg rhbFGF, respectively, 1112 h after the monkeys were exposed to laser irradiation. The third group was treated with 1 mg/kg dexamethasone as positive control and the fouth group was the control group. Funduscopy was performed 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the procedure and the changes of the injured spots were recorded. Four monkeys from each groups were killed on 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the treatments too and the eyes were used to make histological and ultrastructurral observation. Results rhbFGF can markedly reduce the retina pigmentation, lessen the extent of injury sopts ( P <005 ) and accelerate the healing and restoration process. It not only promotes cell proliferation in damaged retinal zones, but also abates cell loss and deletion. Conclusions rhbFGF has significant therapeutic effect on retinal injuries and it is hopeful for its clinical application.
Keywords:Fibroblast growth factor   basic  Retina  Lasers  
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