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A mathematical model of psychotherapy: An investigation using dynamic non-linear equations to model the therapeutic relationship
Authors:Paul R. Peluso  Larry S. Liebovitch  John M. Gottman  Michael D. Norman  Jessica Su
Affiliation:1. Florida Atlantic University, Counselor Education , Boca Raton , USA ppeluso@fau.edu;3. Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences , Queens College , Queens , USA;4. Relationship Research Institute , Seattle , USA;5. Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences , Florida Atlantic University , Boca Raton , USA

Mathematical models, such as the one developed by Gottman et al. (1998, 2000, 2002) to understand the interaction between husbands and wives, can provide novel insights into the dynamics of the therapeutic relationship. A set of nonlinear equations were used to model the changing emotional state of a therapist and client. The results suggest: (1) The person that is most responsive to the other achieves the most positive state, (2) the emotional state of the client oscillates before reaching its final state, (3) therapy is least successful when the therapist starts from a negative state, and (4) there is an inverse relationship between models that change only the influence parameter and models that change only the inertia parameter, creating a series of four basic models to work with. These theoretical models require further, empirical investigation to test the derived parameters. If validated, or revised based on observations of therapist-client relationships in development, they could provide specific direction in creating successful therapeutic relationships for training clinicians and those already in practice.
Keywords:dynamical systems  alliance  emotion in therapy  process research  psychotherapist training/supervision/development  statistical methodology  technology in psychotherapy research and training
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