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Amyloidosis of the larynx. A clinical case and literature review
Authors:Pino Rivero V  González Palomino A  Trinidad Ruíz G  Marcos García M  Pardo Romero G  Blasco Huelva A
Affiliation:Facultativo Especialista de Area ORL, Complejo Hospitalario "Infanta Cristina", Badajoz. vicentepinorivero@terra.com
The larynx is a rare site of deposition for amyloidosis. We are reporting the clinical case of a 73 years female with hoarseness of 2 years evolution due to a laryngeal mass which was informed as located primary amyloidosis after anatomopathologic exam (AP) and its extension study. A laryngeal microsurgery was performed and then we proceeded to send the patient to Internal Medicine Service with periodic controls by ORL. Surgery is the treatment of choice by microsurgery, laryngofissure or Laser with local excision. The prognosis of localized forms is better than systemic ones although recurrences are common and it is recommended a long-term follow-up. A bibliographic review about this pathology has been made.
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