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Modulation of the attentional span by foveal and parafoveal task load: An ERP study using attentional probes
Authors:Benthe Kornrumpf  Werner Sommer
Affiliation:Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt‐Universit?t zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Abstract:Due to capacity limitation, visual attention must be focused to a limited region of the visual field. Nevertheless, it is assumed that the size of that region may vary with task demands. We aimed to obtain direct evidence for the modulation of visuospatial attention as a function of foveal and parafoveal task load. Participants were required to fixate the center word of word triplets. In separate task blocks, either just the fixated word or both the fixated and the parafoveal word to the right should be semantically classified. The spatiotemporal distribution of attention was assessed with task‐irrelevant probes flashed briefly at center or parafoveal positions, during or in between word presentation trials. The N1 component of the ERP elicited by intertrial probes at possible target positions increased with task demands within a block. These results suggest the recruitment of additional attentional resources rather than a redistribution of a fixed resource pool, which persists across trials.
Keywords:Attention  Parafovea  N1  ERP  Reading
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