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Characterization of a YAC containing part or all of the Norrie disease locus
Authors:Chen, Z.-Y.   Sims, K.B.   Coleman, M.   Donnai, D.   Monaco, A.   Breakefield, X.O.   Davies, K.E.   Craig, I.W.
Affiliation:Genetics Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QU 1St Mary's Hospital Hathersage Road, Manchester M13 0JH, UK 2Molecular Neurogenetics Laboratory, Neuroscience Centre, Massachusetts General Hospital-East Building 149, 13th Street, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA 3Institute of Molecular Medicine John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK
Abstract:It has been shown from pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)that the monoamine oxidase genes A and B (MAOA & MAOB) andDXS7 loci are physically very close. We have therefore extendedstudies on their relationship through the characterisation ofa 650 kb YAC isolated using L1.28 (recognising the DXS7 locus)as a probe. Restriction mapping of the YAC indicates that itcontains both MAOA and MAOB genes in addition to the DXS7 locus.The map derived from the YL1.28-YAC is compatible both withthe map from an independently derived YAC carrying MAOA andB genes and with the long range genomic map for the region.A series of subclones prepared from a 'phage library (lambdaDASH II) of the YAC have been characterised and have been employedto determine the end point of the deletion of a Norrie disease(NDP) patient who has been shown to lack both DXS7 and MAO codingsequences. The pattern of retention of subclones in the deletionpatient place the end point of the deletion within 30–130kb of the proximal end of the YAC. By combining the data withestablished recombination analysis, we provide evidence thatall or part of the NDP lies in the interval of approximately250kb within the YAC.
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