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Usefulness of an app in improving oral hygiene compliance in adolescent orthodontic patients
Authors:Francesca Zotti  Domenico Dalessandri  Stefano Salgarello  Mariagrazia Piancino  Stefano Bonetti  Luca Visconti  Corrado Paganelli
Abstract:Objective:To evaluate the influence of an app-based approach in a protocol for domestic oral hygiene maintenance in a group of adolescent patients wearing fixed multibracket appliances.Materials and Methods:Eighty adolescent patients scheduled to start an orthodontic multibracket treatment were randomly divided into two groups of 40. Plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), white spots (WS), and caries presence were recorded in all patients, and they were instructed regarding domestic oral hygiene maintenance on the day of braces application (t0) and every 3 months (t1, t2, t3, t4) during the first year of treatment. Study group (SG) patients were enrolled in a WhatsApp chat room–based competition and instructed to share monthly with the other participants two self-photographs (selfies) showing their oral hygiene status.Results:SG patient participation in the chat room was regular and active throughout the observation period. At t2, t3, and t4, SG patients had significantly lower values of both PI and GI and a lower incidence of new WS and caries, compared with the control group.Conclusion:Integration of new “social” technologies in a standard oral hygiene motivation protocol is effective in improving compliance of adolescent patients and in improving their oral health status during orthodontic multibracket treatment.
Keywords:App   Oral hygiene   Compliance   Adolescent   Orthodontics
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