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Solid lipid nanoparticles for transdermal delivery of diclofenac sodium: preparation,characterization and in vitro studies
Abstract:The aim of this study was to prepare diclofenac sodium (DNa) solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) by a modified emulsion/solvent evaporation method for transdermal delivery. Five independent processing parameters including the lipid matrix, emulsifiers, co-emulsifiers, water-dispersed phase and organic phase were assessed systematically to enhance the entrapment of DNa. The SLNs produced by optimal formulation were submicrometre size with low polydispersity index, the entrapment efficiency was about 89% and the drug loading was about 9.5%. Shape and surface morphology were determined by transmission electron microscopy, which revealed the fairly spherical and core-shell shapes of the SLNs. The in vitro release of SLNs showed a two-step release pattern: one initial burst release followed by a second slow-release phase. In the in vitro cutaneous permeation studies, value of flux obtained for DNa solution was higher than that of SLNs suspension. SLNs had also been shown to improve the dermal localization of DNa.
Keywords:Solid lipid nanoparticles  diclofenac sodium  formulation optimization  in vitro release  in vitro cutaneous permeation
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