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引用本文:王吉星. 两种模型分析中国实验用小型猪生长曲线的拟合与比较研究[J]. 实验动物与比较医学, 2014, 0(4): 319-323
作者单位:北京实验动物行业协会,北京 100195
摘    要:目的 运用Logistic和Gompertz模型对中国实验用小型猪(CEMP)早期生长发育进行拟合并比较分析,找出对CEMP适宜的生长曲线模型.方法 测定CEMP封闭群所选个体不同周龄的体质量,离乳前按每周统计;离乳后按每2周龄统计体质量数据.用Logistic和Gompertz模型对封闭群种猪体质量早期生长发育进行拟合分析.结果 通过对比Logistic和Gompertz模型分别拟合CEMP的生长过程发现,Gompertz模型生长曲线估测的结果与实际情况更为接近.Gompertz模型估测本研究建立的封闭群最大体质量是31.13 kg,拐点日龄101.31 d,拐点体质量11.45 kg,从估测日增重看,从7日龄的0.0343 kg/d,逐渐增加到101.3日龄的最大值0.1603 kg/d,而后逐渐减小,表现为生长速率先增加后减少.结论 本研究为CEMP封闭群选育和饲养工作建立了适宜的生长曲线模型,对改善饲养管理方法和繁殖育种等方面都有参考意义.

关 键 词:中国实验用小型猪(CEMP)  生长曲线  Logistic生长模型  Gompertz生长模型

Fitting,Comparison and Analysis of Two Kinds of Growth Curve in Chinese Experimental Miniature Pig
WANG Ji-xing. Fitting,Comparison and Analysis of Two Kinds of Growth Curve in Chinese Experimental Miniature Pig[J]. Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine, 2014, 0(4): 319-323
Authors:WANG Ji-xing
Affiliation:WANG Ji-xing (Beijing Association on Laboratory Animal Care, Beijing 100195, China)
Abstract:Objective Logistic growth model and Gompertz growth model were applied in fitting, comparison and analysis of early growth and development of Chinese Experimental Miniature Pig(CEMP), in order to-find out appropriate growth curve model. Methods The body weight of closed colony in CEMP were measured every 7 days from the age of 1-6 weeks and every 14 days from the age of 8-26 weeks, then the fitting analysis of growth and development of closed colony of breeding pigs in early stage were carried on by Logistic growth model and Gompertz growth model. Results The results of Gompertz growth model were more closed to actual situation by comparison of Logistic growth mode. By Gompertz growth model,the estimated results of our closed colony were as follows:the maximum weight was 31.13 kg, growth spinod age in days was 101.31 d, growth spinod weight was 11.45 kg. The average daily gain was increased from 0.0343 kg/d(7 days) to the maximum value of 0.1603 kg/d(101.3 days), then gradually decreased, so the growth rate increased initially and decreased afterwards. Coudusiou Appropriate growth curve model of breeding and feeding for closed colony of CEMP was established in our research, which makes referential and practical importance in improving methods of feeding and management and breeding, and so on.
Keywords:Chinese Experimental Miniature Pig(CEMP)  Growth curve  Logistic growth model  Gompertz growth model
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