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Religion-Based Emotional Social Support Mediates the Relationship between Intrinsic Religiosity and Mental Health
Authors:Joseph D. Hovey  Gabriela Hurtado  Lori R. A. Morales  Laura D. Seligman
Affiliation:1. Program for the Study of Immigration and Mental Health, Department of Psychology , The University of Texas-Pan American , Edinburg , Texas , USA hoveyjd@utpa.edu;3. Department of Psychology , The University of Toledo , Toledo , Ohio , USA;4. Department of Psychology , The University of Toledo , Toledo , Ohio , USA;5. CAMC Family Resource Center , Charleston , West Virginia , USA;6. Department of Psychology , The University of Texas-Pan American , Edinburg , Texas , USA
Although previous research suggests that increased religiosity is associated with better mental health and many authors have conjectured that religion-based social support may help explain this connection, scant research has directly examined whether religion-based support mediates religiosity and mental health. The present study examined whether various dimensions of religion-based support (social interaction, instrumental, and emotional) mediated the relationship between religiosity and mental health in college students in the Midwest United States. As expected, of the support dimensions, perceived emotional support was the strongest predictor of decreased hopelessness, depression, and suicide behaviors; and the relationships among intrinsic religiosity and the mental health variables were fully mediated by emotional support. These findings provide strong support to the notion that the relationship between religiosity and mental health can be reduced to mediators such as social support. Research and theoretical implications are discussed.
Keywords:depression  hopelessness  intrinsic religiosity  religious social support  suicide
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