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Young Australian adults' beliefs about alcohol's role in sexual aggression and victimisation
Authors:Louise C. Starfelt  Ross McD Young  Gavan R.M. Palk  Katherine M. White
Affiliation:1. School of Psychology and Counselling, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australial.starfelt@qut.edu.au;3. Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia;4. School of Psychology and Counselling, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia;5. Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Beliefs and misconceptions about sex, gender, and rape have been explored extensively to explain attributions concerning alcohol-involved sexual violence. However, less is known about the specific beliefs that people hold about how alcohol facilitates sexual aggression and victimisation. The present study aimed to identify these alcohol-related beliefs among young Australian adults. Six men and nine women (N = 15; 18–24 years) in focus groups (n = 13) and interviews (n = 2) were asked to discuss the role of alcohol in a hypothetical alcohol-involved rape. Using a consensual qualitative research methodology, the effects of alcohol that were seen to introduce, progress, and intensify risks for rape were: increased confidence; character transformation; impaired cognition; behavioural disinhibition; altered sexual negotiation; enhanced self-centredness; impaired awareness of wrongdoing; increased/decreased sexual assertiveness; and compromised self-protection. Some of the beliefs identified in this study are not currently captured in alcohol expectancy measures which assess people's beliefs about alcohol's effects on cognition, emotion, and behaviour. This study's findings offer a conceptual basis for the development of a new alcohol expectancy measure that can be used in future rape-perception research.
Keywords:sexual assault  rape perception  alcohol  alcohol expectancy  Australia
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