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引用本文:甘景梨,段惠峰,祝希泉,赵兰民,张东卫,高存友. 综合心理行为干预对军事演习应激状态官兵心理健康和事件相关电位P300的影响[J]. 中华精神科杂志, 2011, 44(1). DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1006-7884.2011.01.007
作者姓名:甘景梨  段惠峰  祝希泉  赵兰民  张东卫  高存友
摘    要:目的 探讨综合心理行为干预对军事演习应激状态下官兵心理健康和事件相关电位P300的影响.方法 以某部参加军事演习的127名官兵为研究对象,以班为单位按随机数字表法分为研究组(63例)和对照组(64例),研究组演习前进行6周的心理行为与太极拳训练等综合干预.干预前1 d(干预前)、军事演习后第2天(干预后)分别对2组进行症状自评量表(Symptom Checklist-90,SCL-90)评估和事件相关电位P300检测.结果 (1)心理健康指标比较:与干预前比较,研究组干预后躯体化、人际关系敏感、焦虑因子分均降低,对照组躯体化、人际关系敏感、恐怖因子分及SCL-90总分均升高(P均<0.05);与对照组比较,干预前2组SCL-90总分及各项因子分差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05),干预后研究组躯体化、人际关系敏感、焦虑、恐怖因子分均低于对照组(P均<0.05).(2)事件相关电位P300指标比较:与干预前比较,研究组干预后Cz与FPz点P300靶刺激P3波幅升高(q=3.45、3.46,P均<0.05),FPz点非靶刺激P2潜伏期(167.8±23.5)ms,短于干预前[(188.3±25.2)ms;q=3.54,P<0.05];对照组干预后FPz点靶刺激P3潜伏期长于干预前(q=3.64,P<0.05);与对照组比较,干预前2组Cz、FPz点潜伏期及波幅的差异均无统计学意义(F检验,P均>0.05);干预后研究组Cz与FPz点靶刺激P3和非靶刺激P2潜伏期均短于对照组(P均<0.05),Cz与FPz点靶刺激P3和FPz点非靶刺激P2波幅均高于对照组(q=3.34、3.35、3.68,P均<0.05).结论 综合心理行为干预能够改善军事演习应激条件下官兵的心理健康水平和部分电生理指标.
Objective To explore the effects of the comprehensive psychological behavior intervention on the mental health and event-related potentials ( ERPs ) of the servicemen under military exercise. Methods One hundred and twenty-seven servicemen who participated in the military exercise were randomly divided into two groups, named the study group ( n = 63 ) and the control group ( n = 64 ). The servicemen in the study group were given the comprehensive psychological behavior intervention for 6 weeks.They were assessed with the Symptom Checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ) and event-related potential P300( P300 ) preintervention and post-intervention. Results ( 1 )The factors of somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, and anxiety of SCL-90 were significantly decreased after intervention in study group ( P < 0. 05 ). In the control group, the factors of somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, phobic anxiety and total score post-intervention were significantly increased after military exercise ( P <0. 05 ). Before intervention, the difference on SCL-90score between the study group and the control group was not significant ( P > 0. 05 ). After intervention, the factors of somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, phobic anxiety and total score in the study group were significantly lower than that of the control group ( P <0. 05 ). ( 2 )After intervention, the study group showed higher amplitude on target P3 of P300 at Cz and FPz than the baseline ( q = 3.45, 3.46, P < 0. 05 ),and shortened latency on non-target P2 at FPz[( 167.8 ± 23.5 )ms vs. ( 188. 3 ± 25. 2 )ms,q =3.54,P <0. 05] . The control group showed higher latency on target P3 at FPz than baseline ( q = 3.64, P < 0. 05 ).Before intervention, there was no significant difference with P300 between two groups ( P >0. 05 ). Compared with the controls after intervention, the study group manifested shorter latency on target P3 and non-target P2at Cz and FPz ( P <0. 05 ). And higher amplitude on target P3 at Cz and FPz and on non-target P2 at FPz were appeared ( q = 3.34, 3. 35, 3.68, P < 0. 05 ). Conclusion The comprehensive psychological behavior intervention could effectively improve the mental health and partly electrophysiological index of the serviceman in military stress.

关 键 词:心理疗法  行为疗法  干预性研究  军事  应激  精神卫生  事件相关电位,P300

Effects of the comprehensive psychological behavior intervention on mental health and event-related potential P300 of the servicemen under military exercise
Abstract:Objective To explore the effects of the comprehensive psychological behavior intervention on the mental health and event-related potentials ( ERPs ) of the servicemen under military exercise. Methods One hundred and twenty-seven servicemen who participated in the military exercise were randomly divided into two groups, named the study group ( n = 63 ) and the control group ( n = 64 ). The servicemen in the study group were given the comprehensive psychological behavior intervention for 6 weeks.They were assessed with the Symptom Checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ) and event-related potential P300( P300 ) preintervention and post-intervention. Results ( 1 )The factors of somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, and anxiety of SCL-90 were significantly decreased after intervention in study group ( P < 0. 05 ). In the control group, the factors of somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, phobic anxiety and total score post-intervention were significantly increased after military exercise ( P <0. 05 ). Before intervention, the difference on SCL-90score between the study group and the control group was not significant ( P > 0. 05 ). After intervention, the factors of somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, phobic anxiety and total score in the study group were significantly lower than that of the control group ( P <0. 05 ). ( 2 )After intervention, the study group showed higher amplitude on target P3 of P300 at Cz and FPz than the baseline ( q = 3.45, 3.46, P < 0. 05 ),and shortened latency on non-target P2 at FPz[( 167.8 ± 23.5 )ms vs. ( 188. 3 ± 25. 2 )ms,q =3.54,P <0. 05] . The control group showed higher latency on target P3 at FPz than baseline ( q = 3.64, P < 0. 05 ).Before intervention, there was no significant difference with P300 between two groups ( P >0. 05 ). Compared with the controls after intervention, the study group manifested shorter latency on target P3 and non-target P2at Cz and FPz ( P <0. 05 ). And higher amplitude on target P3 at Cz and FPz and on non-target P2 at FPz were appeared ( q = 3.34, 3. 35, 3.68, P < 0. 05 ). Conclusion The comprehensive psychological behavior intervention could effectively improve the mental health and partly electrophysiological index of the serviceman in military stress.
Keywords:Psychotherapy  Behavior therapy  Intervention studies  Military personnel  Stress  Mental health  Event-related Potentials,P300
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