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引用本文:张亚钦,李辉,季成叶. 中国0至18岁正常儿童青少年身体比例生长规律的研究[J]. 中国循证儿科杂志, 2010, 5(5): 349-354. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5501.2010.05.005
作者姓名:张亚钦  李辉  季成叶
作者单位:1 首都儿科研究所生长发育研究室,北京100020;2 北京大学儿童青少年卫生研究所,北京100191
摘    要:目的 分析中国0~18岁正常儿童青少年身体比例(坐高腿长比)的生长变化规律,性别、城乡和地区差异及长期变化趋势。方法 以2005年“中国九市7岁以下儿童体格发育调查”和“全国学生体质健康调研”中九城市正常汉族儿童青少年为研究对象。调查地区包括北京、哈尔滨、西安、上海、南京、武汉、广州、福州、昆明市的城区及乡村。身高(<3岁以身长表示)和坐高(<3岁以顶臀长表示)均为现场测量获得。按照气候、环境等因素将调查城市分为北部(北京、哈尔滨和西安)、中部(上海、南京和武汉)和南部(广州、福州和昆明)3个地区。探讨身体比例的自然生长规律;分析身体比例的性别、城乡和地区差异。以1985年上述两项调查的数据资料为参照,分析身体比例20年的变化趋势。结果 ①身体比例呈随年龄增长逐渐减小的趋势,男性在12~13岁、女性在10~11岁时身体比例降至最低,随后略微回升,17岁以后基本稳定。②身体比例的性别差异分析结果显示,不论城乡,11岁前男女差别甚微,11岁后女性略高于男性,在13岁时差别幅度最大。身体比例的城乡差异分析结果显示,不论性别,6~7岁前城乡差别不大,之后乡村略高于城区,12~13岁后城乡基本无差异。身体比例地区差异分析结果显示,不论城乡和性别,北、中和南部3个地区儿童青少年的身体比例曲线几乎重合。③2005年身体比例在7~12岁较1985年出现小幅下降,儿童早期和青春后期身体比例无明显变化。结论 中国0~18岁正常儿童青少年身体比例随年龄增长呈规律性变化;身体比例在青春期前性别差别不明显,青春期后女性略高于男性;身体比例不存在明显的城乡和地区差别,未呈现明显的长期变化趋势。

关 键 词:儿童青少年  身体比例  坐高  坐高腿长比  腿长

Study on body proportions of 0-18 years old children and adolescents in China
ZHANG Ya-qin,LI Hui,JI Cheng-ye. Study on body proportions of 0-18 years old children and adolescents in China[J]. Chinese JOurnal of Evidence Based Pediatrics, 2010, 5(5): 349-354. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5501.2010.05.005
Authors:ZHANG Ya-qin  LI Hui  JI Cheng-ye
Affiliation:1 Capital Institute of Pediatrics. Beijing 100020,China;  2  Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Peking University, Beijing 100191,China
Abstract:Objective To know the growth rhythm of body proportions of 0-18 years old Chinese healthy children and adolescents, and analyze gender difference, regional difference and secular changes of body proportions. Methods Healthy Han children and adolescents in 9 provinces (cities) from two national representative cross-sectional surveys named "The National Growth Survey of Children under 7 years in the Nine Cities of China in 2005" and "The Physical Fitness and Health Surveillance of Chinese School Students in 2005" were enrolled .The data of the above-mentioned two investigations in 1985 were used to analyze the secular changes of the ratio of sitting height to leg length(crown-rump length)(SH/LL). Crown-rump length and length were measured before 3 years old, and from 3 years old onward, sitting height and height were measured . Leg length was obtained by subtracting sitting height (crown-rump length) from height (length). Results ①SH/LL decreased gradually with age and bottomed at 12-13 years of age in boys and 10-11 years of age in girls. Then SH/LL increased slightly and kept flatting after 17 years of age. ②Before 11 years old, the gender difference was not obvious in SH/LL, and after that SH/LL of girls was slightly higher than that of boys. The gender difference was relatively large at the age of 13 years. SH/LL of urban and rural children was similar before 6-7 years of age, after that SH/LL of rural children was slightly higher than that of urban children and then the difference wasn′t obvious after 12-13 years of age. The SH/LL charts were almost coincident in different areas. ③The SH/LL of 7-12 years old children slightly decreased and the SH/LL of preschool and late pubertal children had no obvious change from 1985 to 2005. Conclusions SH/LL is regularly changed with age in 0-18 years old Chinese children and adolescents. There is no gender difference in pre-pubertal children, and SH/LL of girls is higher slightly than that of boys after post-pubertal. There are not obvious urban-rural difference, regional difference or secular change in SH/LL in China.
Keywords:Children and adolescents  Body proportions  Sitting height  Sitting Height/Leg Length  Leg length
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