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Antidromic latency of the monkey pyramidal tract neuron related to ipsileteral hand movements
Authors:Ken&#x  ichi Matsunami,Ikuma Hamada
Affiliation:Department of Neurophysiology, Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Inuyama City 484 Japan
Abstract:During three different motor tasks of finger, wrist and arm movements on either side, 80 pyramidal tract neuron (PTN) activities were recorded in the monkey motor cortex. They were divided into three groups; PTNs related to controlateral movement (contra-PTNs), those related to ipsilateral movementt lateral movement (bilaterai-PTNs) and those related to ipsilateral movement (ipsi-PTNs). The latency histogram of the antidromic activation was similar for contra-PTNs as well as ipsi- and bilateral-PTNs in the fast PTN group, but most of slow PTNs appeared among contra-PTNs. Intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) was delivered to correlate muscular contraction with PTN acticity. Most of slow PTNs were related to proximal muscular contraction and PTNs related to proximal muscles appeared more in ipsi- and bilateral-PTNs than in contra-PTNs.
Keywords:To whom reprint requests should be addressed at: I. Physiologisches Institut   Im Neuenheimer Feld 326   6900 Heidelberg   F.R.G.
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