Abstract: | This study investigated the applicability and utility of Megargee and Bohn's MMPI-based offender classification system in correctional mental health units (MHUs). Previous studies found that 11 MHU samples (n = 1723) had substantially more offenders classified in the more pathological MMPI types than did 21 samples (n = 5881) drawn from general male populations in US prisons. In this study of 63 severely disturbed felons, 43% belonged to the most pathological type (‘group How’). Comparing MHU patients with general offenders from the same IvfIvIPI types on staff ratings and case history variables, we found that the MHU patients were significantly poorer in adjustment. Within the MHU sample, there was no difference in case history variables or adjustment ratings between those in the most and least severe MMPI types. These findings differed from those of studies using less severely disturbed, more heterogeneous, MHU populations. It was concluded that, in settings in which the entire population is flagrantly disturbed, the MMPI-based system is more useful in screening potential admissions than it is in making meaningful distinctions among those already admitted. |