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引用本文:王苏民 张福生. 山东省耐药结核病流行状况研究[J]. 中华结核和呼吸杂志, 1999, 22(12): 728-730
作者姓名:王苏民 张福生
摘    要:目的 建立以WHO和国际防痨与肺部疾病协会(IUATLD) 指南为基础的结核病细菌学耐药监测系统,掌握山东省起始和获得性耐药水平。方法 于1997 年4 ~10 月应用整群抽样的方法在山东省的141 个县(市)随机抽取30 个县(市)为监测点。各监测点连续选36 个新发涂阳肺结核病例,其间的复治涂阳病例同时纳入,并对全部培养阳性菌株进行菌型鉴定及4 种抗结核药物(INH、SM、RFP、EMB) 的耐药性测试。结果 总耐药率为23-4% ,起始耐药率为17-6% ,起始耐多药率为2-9% ,获得性耐药率为50-0 % , 获得性耐多药率为19-6 % 。结论 山东省起始耐药仍处于较高水平,须进一步加强结核病控制规划。

关 键 词:结核  药物耐受性  监测

Study on epidemic of drug resistant tuberculosis in Shandong province, China
WANG Sumin ,ZHANG Fusheng,DUANMU Hongjin Tuberculosis Control Center,Ministry of Public Health,China,Beijing. Study on epidemic of drug resistant tuberculosis in Shandong province, China[J]. Chinese journal of tuberculosis and respiratory diseases, 1999, 22(12): 728-730
Authors:WANG Sumin   ZHANG Fusheng  DUANMU Hongjin Tuberculosis Control Center  Ministry of Public Health  China  Beijing
Affiliation:Tuberculosis Control Center, Ministry of Public Health, China, Beijing 101149.
Abstract:Objective To establish the surveillance system for drug resistance of tuberculosis according to WHO and IUATLD guidelines, and to evaluate the initial and acquired drug resistance in Shandong province Methods 30 of 141 counties/cities were randomly selected as surveillance points by cluster sampling from April to October 1997, in each of which 36 cases with smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis were continuously observed Identification and susceptibility tests were done in all culture positive samples Results The total frequency of drug resistance was 23 4%, initial drug resistance 17 6%, initial multi drug resistance 2 9%, acquired drug resistance 50 0%, acquired multi drug resistance 19 6% Conclusions The results suggest that the initial drug resistance still ranks high in Shandong province, National TB Control Program should be further strengthened
Keywords:Tuberculosis Drug resistance Surveillance
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