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Responses of neurons in the Clare-Bishop cortical association area of the cat cerebral cortex to photic stimulation
Authors:B A Arutiunian-Kozak  D K Khachvankian  A S Oganian  A G Tutundzhian
In acute experiments on cats with protrigeminal section immobilized by flaxedil the electrical activity of single neurons in associative visual cortex of Clare-Bishop was investigated by the extracellular registration of their spike activity. 95.5% of investigated neurons responding to natural stimulation (light spots) were sensitive to the movement of stimulus through the receptive field. Nearly 55% of neurons exhibited selective responses to the direction of stimulus movement. Some neurones responded only when the stimulus was crossing the border points of receptive field. Nearly 85.3% of neurons responded to the flashing spot with "on", "on-off" and "off" reactions, and also to the stimulation by diffuse flashes. Receptive fields of neurons in the Clare-Bishop area were of strip-like form with longitudinal axis in horizontal orientation. Presented observations allow concluding that the Clare-Bishop cortical association area plays an essential role in the central processing of visual information.
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