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引用本文:戎艳琴,井坤娟,李颖,姚韦羽,蒲萌萌. 脑卒中患者健康行为评估工具的构建及信效度检验[J]. 现代预防医学, 2018, 0(1)
作者姓名:戎艳琴  井坤娟  李颖  姚韦羽  蒲萌萌
作者单位:河北大学,河北 保定 100071
摘    要:
目的 编制脑卒中患者健康行为问卷,并测定信效度。方法 在参考文献基础上编制脑卒中健康行为问卷,经过专家咨询确定问卷雏形,采用方便抽样抽取三所三级甲等医院381例住院脑卒中患者为研究对象,进行问卷调查,采用探索性及验证性因子分析对问卷信效度进行评价。结果 问卷总Cronbach’sα系数为0.807,总内容效度指数(S-CVI)为0.97,各条目内容效度指数(I-CVI)在0.8~1之间,经两次探索性因子分析,5因素包含的题项与编制问卷使用的概念框架大致符合,5因素累积方差贡献率为50.833%;模型拟合指数调整卡方(χ2/df)为1.168,近似误差均方根(RMSEA)为0.021,拟合优度指数(GFI)为0.942,比较拟合指数(CFI)为0.992,增量拟合指数(IFI)为0.992,各题项在各自潜变量上的负荷值都达到了显著水平,模型的各拟合指数达到了可接受的统计学标准。结论 该问卷具有较好的效度和信度,可为评估脑卒中患者健康行为提供依据。

关 键 词:脑卒中  健康行为  信度  效度

Construction and reliability and validity test of health behavior assessment scale for stroke patients
RONG Yan-qin,JING Kun-juan,LI Yin,YAO Wei-yu,PU Meng-meng. Construction and reliability and validity test of health behavior assessment scale for stroke patients[J]. Modern Preventive Medicine, 2018, 0(1)
Authors:RONG Yan-qin  JING Kun-juan  LI Yin  YAO Wei-yu  PU Meng-meng
Affiliation:Heibei University,Baoding,Heibei 071000,China
Objective To develop the health behavior questionnaire of stroke patients,and to determine its reliability and validity. Methods By using convenient sampling method,381 stroke patients were selected from three 3 A grade Hospital as the research objects. Results The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.807,and the total content validity(S-CVI)of the questionnaire was 0.97.The item content validity index(I-CVI)from 0.8 to 1.After double-exploratory factor analyses,5 dimensionalities were exacted,with a cumulative contribution percentage of 50.833%,indicating the structure of this protocol just met the conceptual framework.Confirmatory factor analysis showed that all the items in their respective the latent variables on the load value reached a significant level.The model fitting index adjusted chi-square was 1.168.The root meant square error of approximation(RMSEA)was 0.021.The goodness of fit index(GFI)was 0.942.Comparative fit index(CFI)was 0.992.Incremental fit index(IFI)was 0.992.The fitted indices of the model had met the acceptable statistical criteria. Conclusion The health behavior questionnaire of patients with stroke has good validity and reliability.It can explain and predict the possibility of taking health behavior,and provide a scientific basis for evaluating the health behavior of stroke patients.
Keywords:Stroke  Health behavior  Reliability  Validity
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