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F gene recombination between genotype II and VII Newcastle disease virus
Authors:Qin Zhuoming  Sun Lei  Ma Baochen  Cui Zhizhong  Zhu Yiping  Kitamura Yoshihiro  Liu Wenjun
Affiliation:Institute of Poultry Science, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science, Jinan 250100, China.
Abstract:A velogenic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain, designated as SRZ03, was isolated from an egg layer flock with NDV vaccine immunization failure in China in 2003. Recombination was found in the F gene of SRZ03. Complete genome sequences analysis indicated that the N-terminal of SRZ03 F gene originated from a genotype II NDV strain, whereas the C-terminal of F gene and the rest of the genes originated from a prevalent velogenic genotype VII NDV strain. It provides us valuable information for understanding the recombination of nonsegmented negative-sense RNA viruses.
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