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From the Cover: Health benefits of decreases in on-road transportation emissions in the United States from 2008 to 2017
Authors:Ernani F. Choma,John S. Evans,José   A. Gó  mez-Ibá  ñ  ez,Qian Di,Joel D. Schwartz,James K. Hammitt,John D. Spengler
Decades of air pollution regulation have yielded enormous benefits in the United States, but vehicle emissions remain a climate and public health issue. Studies have quantified the vehicle-related fine particulate matter (PM2.5)-attributable mortality but lack the combination of proper counterfactual scenarios, latest epidemiological evidence, and detailed spatial resolution; all needed to assess the benefits of recent emission reductions. We use this combination to assess PM2.5-attributable health benefits and also assess the climate benefits of on-road emission reductions between 2008 and 2017. We estimate total benefits of $270 (190 to 480) billion in 2017. Vehicle-related PM2.5-attributable deaths decreased from 27,700 in 2008 to 19,800 in 2017; however, had per-mile emission factors remained at 2008 levels, 48,200 deaths would have occurred in 2017. The 74% increase from 27,700 to 48,200 PM2.5-attributable deaths with the same emission factors is due to lower baseline PM2.5 concentrations (+26%), more vehicle miles and fleet composition changes (+22%), higher baseline mortality (+13%), and interactions among these (+12%). Climate benefits were small (3 to 19% of the total). The percent reductions in emissions and PM2.5-attributable deaths were similar despite an opportunity to achieve disproportionately large health benefits by reducing high-impact emissions of passenger light-duty vehicles in urban areas. Increasingly large vehicles and an aging population, increasing mortality, suggest large health benefits in urban areas require more stringent policies. Local policies can be effective because high-impact primary PM2.5 and NH3 emissions disperse little outside metropolitan areas. Complementary national-level policies for NOx are merited because of its substantial impacts—with little spatial variability—and dispersion across states and metropolitan areas.

Health impacts of air pollution from transportation remain a major public health problem in the United States with several studies estimating roughly 17,000 to 20,000 deaths/year attributable to it in recent years, the vast majority from fine particulate matter (PM2.5) (14). Researchers have used different methods to estimate this burden, limiting comparability among estimates, but those who have estimated attributable deaths in different years have shown this burden has decreased. Dedoussi et al. (3) estimate that they were cut in half in the 2005 to 2018 period, from 37,000 to 18,400 due to PM2.5 and ozone, whereas Fann et al. (1) estimate just under 30,000 in 2005 and 19,300 in 2016, a decrease of about a third. These studies’ estimates for 2016 and 2018, however, rely on forecasts of emissions made years in advance.Transportation emissions also contribute to climate impacts. Transportation greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have increased in recent years, and they were responsible for 28% of the US GHG emissions in 2018 (5). A total of 83% of transportation GHG emissions in 2018 came from vehicles, and 70% of vehicle GHG emissions came from light-duty vehicles (LDVs) (5). In recent years, LDV energy efficiency has increased and GHG emission factors per mile (EF) decreased, but their overall climate impacts have increased (5, 6). Increased market penetration of larger LDVs (6) and increased vehicle miles traveled (VMT) (7) have contributed to this overall increase.Decades of environmental regulation in the United States have drastically reduced emissions from vehicles by as much as 99% per vehicle for common pollutants since 1970 (8). Transportation emissions are one element of a substantial effort to reduce ambient PM2.5 in recent decades (9, 10), following regulation of air pollution that has been cost-beneficial and has yielded substantial benefits. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (11) estimates that the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 have yielded $2 trillion/year (2006 US dollars) in benefits from all sectors in 2020, or 30 times its cost, with 90% of the benefits coming from reduced PM2.5-attributable mortality. Fuel efficacy standards and vehicle emission controls have been responsible for a substantial part of these benefits.Benefits of recent reductions in vehicle emissions, on the other hand, are not well understood. Several studies have quantified mortality from on-road transportation in recent years (14, 1215), some of them also assessing changes over time and showing decreases. To our knowledge, however, no study has carried out a fine-scale assessment relying on counterfactual scenarios that capture changes in fleet composition and VMT, population, age-specific baseline mortality rates, and lower ambient PM2.5 concentrations at baseline. The latter is important because more recent epidemiological evidence from the Global Exposure Mortality Model (GEMM) (16) suggests a nonlinear function linking ambient PM2.5 concentration to mortality. The GEMM concentration–response function (CRF) is concave, exhibiting higher marginal effects at lower concentrations. As ambient PM2.5 concentrations in the United States have dropped in recent decades (10), this nonlinearity suggests marginal effects are increasing over time. The previously widely used Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Integrated Exposure-Response (IER) model (17, 18) also estimated a concave CRF, but GEMM estimates more than twice as many attributable deaths for the United States and Canada when compared to GBD IER. GEMM also includes more recent evidence from epidemiological studies of populations in the two countries that allow it to estimate mortality risks for exposures to very low ambient PM2.5 concentrations—as low as 2.4 μg/m3, lower than previous models—that are relevant for policies in the United States.Vehicle impacts also exhibit large spatial variability across states and cities (19, 20). Metropolitan areas are especially important because previous research has suggested that impacts per mile of passenger vehicles driving in these areas are large (20), and passenger transportation is now responsible for more PM2.5-attributable deaths in the United States than truck use (4). Spatial variability in impact suggests a potential for more stringent policies in metropolitan areas where impacts are higher, but considering local policies would require understanding local impacts versus those transported to and affecting populations in other areas. Previous research has shown that over a third of impacts caused by all vehicle emissions in the United States occur across state lines, mostly from NOx emissions (3); nevertheless, transfers of impacts caused by vehicles in metropolitan areas are not well studied.This paper assesses benefits of recent emissions reductions of on-road transportation in the contiguous United States occurring between 2008 and 2017. We assess impacts on a fine scale using a nonlinear CRF from the most recent epidemiological evidence from GEMM (16). We combine 1-km–resolution baseline ambient PM2.5 levels (21), fine-scale (1 km in densely populated areas) air pollution modeling (2, 22), and county-level age- and cause-specific mortality (23). We assess impacts in 2017 for four counterfactual emission scenarios (2008 EFs, 2011 EFs, 2014 EFs, and 2017 EFs), each using county-level EFs for each pollutant and 13 vehicle types from the respective year’s National Emissions Inventory (NEI) (2427). Our combination of fine-scale modeling and counterfactual emission scenarios allows us to capture changes in demographics, fleet composition, and baseline ambient PM2.5 levels. We estimate benefits from decreases in PM2.5-attributable mortality due to reductions in on-road transportation emissions of primary PM2.5, SO2, NOx, NH3, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (air pollution) and climate benefits from reductions in on-road transportation emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O (GHGs). As passenger vehicles were previously estimated to be responsible for most of the burden, we present a spatially explicit analysis of passenger LDVs with a focus on 53 large metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), which we define as those with population exceeding 1 million in 2017 according to the US Census Bureau (28). In 2017, these 53 MSAs accounted for 56% of the US population (29) and 50% of the US VMT from all road vehicles (27). We refer to these large MSAs simply as MSAs or metropolitan areas throughout the paper.
Keywords:particulate matter   transportation   air pollution   public health   climate change
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