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引用本文:陈松苍,陈达光,晋学庆,胡文养,王华军. 卡托普利早期治疗自发性高血压大鼠阻止遗传性高血压形成的机理[J]. 中国药理学与毒理学杂志, 1995, 0(3)
作者姓名:陈松苍  陈达光  晋学庆  胡文养  王华军
摘    要:

关 键 词:高血压;卡托普利;大鼠,近交SHR

Mechanism to Prevent genetic hypertension by early captopriltreatment in spontaneously hypertensive rats 1
CHEN Song-Cang, CHEN Da-Guang, JIN Xue-Qing, HU Wen-Yang, WANG Hua-Jun. Mechanism to Prevent genetic hypertension by early captopriltreatment in spontaneously hypertensive rats 1[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1995, 0(3)
Authors:CHEN Song-Cang   CHEN Da-Guang   JIN Xue-Qing   HU Wen-Yang   WANG Hua-Jun
The mechanism of early captopril (Cap)treatment to prevent hypertension was explored. Cap(100 mg· kg-1· d-1) was administered orally tospontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) from intrauterine pe-riod to 16 wk of age. Experiments were performed at 40 wkof age. Systolic blood pressure (fSBP) was measured.Vaseular medium and lumen ratio (M / L) was determinedby morphometric method. Functions of vascular contractionand relaxation were studied using hindquarter perfusion ofFolkow's model and aortic ring segment experiment in vitrorespectively. Early-onset Cap therapy significantly de-creased SBP. After discontinuance of treatment for 24 wk.SBP of Cap treated SHR (SHRcap) was still maintained atlower level than that of untreated SHR (21. 1±1. 1 vs 28.5 ±1.1 kpa, P<0.001). The M/L in various vesscls waspronouncedly reduced in the treated group and was almostidentical to the level of WistarKyoto (WKY) rats.Vasorelaxation sensitivity and maximum relaxation to so-dium nitroprusside in SHRcap thoracic aortas were morepronounced while compared with those in SHR. Hindquart-er perfusion with phenylephrine showed that minimum andmaximum perfusion pressure, maximum slope weresignificantly higher in SHR than in WKY rats. and therewas a lower EC50 in SHR than in WKY rats. No signifi-cant difference in above four indexes was found betweenSHRcap and WKY rats. Conclusion early treatment withCap in SHR prevented the development of hypertension.The effect of Cap to reduce blood pressure persistently afterwithdrawal of treatment might result frorn reducingperipheral vascular resistance and improving vasomotorfunction on the basis of inhibiting vascular hypertrophy per-manently.
Keywords:hypertension   captopril   rats. inbred SHR  
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