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Prenatal Development of Parvalbumin Immunoreactivity in the Human Striate Cortex
Authors:Cao, Q. L.   Yan, X. X.   Luo, X. G.   Garey, L. J.
In human primary visual cortex, parvalbumin (PV) is expressedby Cajal-Retzius cells in layer I by 20 weeks of gestation (20W),but its immunoreactivity is mostly lost by term. PV immunoreactivityin layers II–VI mainly develops later, from 26 to 34W,following an approximately ‘inside-outside’ sequencein a series of bands. PV-positive perikarya appear in layerV by 20W, but only in small numbers. They increase in numberand staining intensity by 26W. By 30W a band of densely labelledsomata and neuropil occupies layers IVC–VI. By 34W a second,less dense, band of cell bodies and neuropil appears in IVBand IVC
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