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引用本文:沈家平,王林,陈宁,王一均,周红艳. 江苏省12岁学生口腔疾病患病状况调查分析[J]. 江苏预防医学, 2006, 17(3): 1-4
作者姓名:沈家平  王林  陈宁  王一均  周红艳
摘    要:目的:了解江苏省12岁学生龋病及牙周疾病的患病现状,为开展学校口腔预防保健提供参考依据。方法:采用多阶段、分层、等容量、随机抽样的方法,抽取江苏省城乡792人(男女各半)进行调查。结果:12岁年龄组恒牙患龋率为27.02%,龋均(DMFT)为0.47,男女间患龋率有极显著性差异(P〈0.01),DMFT有显著性差异(P〈0.05);均为女性高于男性。龋齿充填率4.61%,其中城市为7.73%,农村仅为0.62%,城乡间有极显著性差异(P〈0.01)。牙龈出血和/或牙结石检出率86.24%,城乡间及男女间均无显著差异(P〉0.05)。结论:江苏省12岁学生龋病的流行状况与全国第二次口腔健康调查(1995)的结果相比患龋率和DMFT均较低,龋齿的充填率低;牙周健康状况不良,牙龈炎的患病率高。因此,应加强口腔预防保健工作,开展社区口腔卫生服务,提高龋病的治疗率,降低牙龈炎的发生率。

关 键 词:恒牙  龋病  牙龈炎  口腔保健  12岁学生

Survey and analyses on dental diseases among 12-year-old students in Jiangsu Province
SHEN Jia - ping, WANG Lin, CHEN Ning,et al.. Survey and analyses on dental diseases among 12-year-old students in Jiangsu Province[J]. Jiangsu Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2006, 17(3): 1-4
Authors:SHEN Jia - ping   WANG Lin   CHEN Ning  et al.
Affiliation:College of Stomatology, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China
Abstract:Objectives:To understand about dental caries and periodontal diseases among 12-year-old students in Jiangsu province in order to provide reference and guidance for oral health care at schools.Methods:Seven hundred and ninety-two students were surveyed by the method of multistage,stratified,equal capacity,simple random sampling.The sample consists of the same number of boys and girls.Results:The proportion of 12-year-old students who get dental caries of permanent teeth is 27.02% and DMFT of permanent teeth is 0.47.There is a great significant difference between boys and girls in the proportion of dental caries(P<0.01) and significant difference between boys and girls in DMFT(P<0.05).In both cases the proportions of girls are higher than the boys.The filled rate of dental caries is 4.61% averagely;rates in cities and in rural areas are 7.73% and 0.62% respectively.A great significant difference can be seen between the cities and the rural areas(P<0.01).Gingival bleeding /or calculus is 86.24%.There are no differences between boys and girls or cities and rural areas(P>0.05).Conclusion: The prevalence of dental caries and DMFT among 12-year-old students in Jiangsu are both lower than the results of the second national health survey in 1995.It is also shown that the filled rate of dental caries is low;periodontal condition is not healthy and incidence of gingivitis is high.Therefore,we should reinforce the work of oral health care and initiate the campaign of oral health care services in order to raise the cure rate of dental caries and to decrease the incidence of gingivitis.
Keywords:permanent teeth  dental caries  gingivitis  oral health care  12-year-old students
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