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An Evaluation Of Teaching Cervical Mucus Symptoms To Ovulating Infertile Women
Authors:Frederick M. Graham  Leonie Gosling  John T. France
Affiliation:Postgraduate School of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Auckland National Women's Hospital Auckland
Abstract:Women (n = 113) with ovulatory menstrual cycles but complaining of infertility were instructed in the observation and charting of cervical mucus symptoms. At the completion of 3 teaching cycles, 80 subjects (70.8%) had successfully charted at least one cycle with an ovulatory mucus pattern (10 subjects became pregnant). Sixty-two (54.9%) of the women continued for a further 3 cycles of investigation during which, around the time of ovulation, an assessment was made of the mucus at the cervix. On the basis of this assessment subjects were classified as either Group 1: charting ovulatory mucus symptoms with 'fertile type' mucus observed at the cervix - 48 subjects (10 became pregnant); Group 2A: charting uninterpretable mucus symptoms but 'fertile type' mucus observed at the cervix - 8 subjects; or, Group 2B: charting uninterpretable mucus symptoms and mucus of poor quality observed at the cervix - 6 subjects. The study shows that infertile ovulating women can be taught to observe and chart their mucus symptoms. Such charting is useful in identifying the fertile period of the cycle for timing of intercourse and for timing of postcoital tests and cervical assessment. It is also useful in identifying the small number of women (5.3%) with an apparent deficiency in mucus production. Whether the 20 subjects (17.7%) who became pregnant were assisted in this objective by their charting of symptoms is unclear.
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