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Teaching of all-ceramic restorations in central European dental schools: a survey
Authors:A. J. E. Qualtrough,I. A. Mj  r,R. J. Crisp,N. H. F. Wilson
Affiliation:A. J. E. Qualtrough,I. A. Mjör,R. J. Crisp,N. H. F. Wilson
The teaching of all-ceramic restorations in Central European dental schools in the mid 1990s has been surveyed. Based on a 65% response, the findings indicate that the majority of undergraduate (pre-doctoral) students receive instruction in all-ceramic restorations with >75% gaining clinical experience in the use of such restorations prior to graduation. When clinical experience was not received, formal instruction, either in the regular curriculum or in elective studies was generally available. All the schools, with one exception, anticipated that the importance of teaching all-ceramic restorations would increase or at least stay the same. In general, the findings were similar to those reported in studies of the teaching of all-ceramic restorations in North America, Scandinavia, and the UK and Ireland, especially in relation to luting systems, contraindications and finishing instrumentation. However, clinical requirements for all-ceramic restorations in Central European dental schools were more common than in dental schools in North America, Scandinavia and the UK and Ireland.
Keywords:prosthodontics  operative dentistry  dental curriculum  materials  techniques
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