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Transforming Prenatal Care: Reflections on the Past and Present With Implications for the Future
Authors:Judith A. Maloni  RN  PhD    Ching-Yu Cheng  RN  MSN    Cary P. Liebl  RNC  BSN    Jeanmarie Sharp Maier  RN  BSN
Affiliation:Judtth A. Malont is an assistant professor of women's health in the School of Nurstng, Untverstty of Wisconsin, Madison.;Ching-Yu Cheng ts a graduate of the Women's Health Nurstng Program at the Untversity of Wtsconsin, Madison, School of Nurstng, and currently teaches in Taiwan.;Gary P. Ltebl ts a staff nurse In the htrthtng sutte of Mertter Hospltal and a graduate student tn Women's Health Nursing at the Universtty of Wtsconsln, Madtson, School of Nursing.;Jeanmarte Sharp Maier is a staff nurse in the birthtng sutte of Mertter Hospital and a graduate student in Women's Health Nursing at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, School of Nurstng.
Abstract:The current model for delivery of prenatal care was developed more than 100 years ago. Evidence suggests that this model is no longer appropriate for meeting national health objectives or for meeting the needs of a diverse population of pregnant women. This article provides a historical overview of prenatal care; describes the current system for care delivery and problems associated with it; and suggests strategies for transforming care into an effective, comprehensive model. JOGNN, 25, 17–23; 1996.
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