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引用本文:丁娟娟,王邦茂. 肠道蠕虫与炎症性肠病的治疗[J]. 国际消化病杂志, 2006, 26(3): 175-177
作者姓名:丁娟娟  王邦茂
摘    要:炎症性肠病(IBD)是一种病因不明,反复发作性的肠道特异性疾病。随着遗传因素、环境因素与免疫反应异常等发病机制方面研究的不断进展,IBD的治疗发生了重大的变化,其中直接改善肠道微环境逐渐受到重视。在动物模型和人体寄生虫感染研究中,有丰富的资料支持寄生虫感染有免疫调节作用,近来这个概念已经用来治疗IBD,不断有肠道蠕虫治疗IBD的报道。现就肠道蠕虫治疗IBD的研究作一综述。

关 键 词:炎症性肠病  蠕虫/寄生虫  治疗  溃疡性结肠炎  克罗恩病

Helminths and therapy of inflammatory bowel disease
DING Juan-juan,WANG Bang-mao. Helminths and therapy of inflammatory bowel disease[J]. International Journal of Digestive Disease, 2006, 26(3): 175-177
Authors:DING Juan-juan  WANG Bang-mao
Abstract:Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)is defined as a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The etio-pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the development of IBD are still not completely understood. With the study about genetic, environmental factors and dyregulation of the intestinal mucosal immune system, the treatment of patients with IBD has been changed largely. Improving gut luminal miroenvironment plays an important role in the therapy of IBD. There are a lot of data that support an immunoregulatory role for helminth infection in the human host and animal models. Recently, this concept has been used in the therapy of IBD. We review recent studies about helminthes in the therapeutic potential of IBD.
Keywords:Inflammatory bowel disease  Helminths  Therapy  Ulcerative colitis  Crohn disease
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