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Managing abnormal blood lipids: a collaborative approach
Authors:Fletcher Barbara,Berra Kathy,Ades Phil,Braun Lynne T,Burke Lora E,Durstine J Larry,Fair Joan M,Fletcher Gerald F,Goff David,Hayman Laura L,Hiatt William R,Miller Nancy Houston,Krauss Ronald,Kris-Etherton Penny,Stone Neil,Wilterdink Janet,Winston Mary  Council on Cardiovascular Nursing  Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis,  Vascular Biology  Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences  Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young  Council on Clinical Cardiology  Council on Epidemiology  Prevention  Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity
Abstract:Current data and guidelines recommend treating abnormal blood lipids (ABL) to goal. This is a complex process and requires involvement from various healthcare professionals with a wide range of expertise. The model of a multidisciplinary case management approach for patients with ABL is well documented and described. This collaborative approach encompasses primary and secondary prevention across the lifespan, incorporates nutritional and exercise management as a significant component, defines the importance and indications for pharmacological therapy, and emphasizes the importance of adherence. Use of this collaborative approach for the treatment of ABL ultimately will improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular morbidity and mortality.
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