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Long-term follow-up study of 268 diabetic patients undergoing haemodialysis, with special attention to visual acuity and heterogeneity
Authors:Watanabe, Y.   Yuzawa, Y.   Mizumoto, D.   Tamai, H.   Itoh, Y.   Kumon, S.   Yamazaki, C.
Affiliation:1Nagoya University School of Medicine, Third Department of Internal Medicine Nagoya 2Chubu Industrial Hospital Nagoya 3Tousei Public Hospital Seto 4Masuko Memorial Hospital Nagoya, Japan
Abstract:We studied the long-term outcome of 268 patients suffering fromdiabetic end-stage renal disease (DM-ESRD) treated with long-termhaemodialysis between 1978 and 1991, with special emphasis onvisual acuity as well as the heterogeneity of DM-ESRD The 50%patient survival on haemodialysis was 60 months. Visual disturbanceswere found in 73.1% (392/536) of eyes at the start of haemodialysis.Chronological assess ment of visual acuity demonstrated thestabilization of visual acuity and 87.1% (364/418) of eyes werestable, 4.8% (20/418) were improved, and 8.1% (34/418) wereaggravated in the long term respectively. The change of visualacuity was frequently seen in the short term, and rapid shiftsof body fluid to correct overhydration induced abrupt changesof glycaemic control as well as retraction of macular oedema.Hence it might be one of the factors affecting rapid changeof visual acuity in the short term. Meanwhile, long-term deterioration of visual acuity resulted from either hyperten sionunresponsive to medical treatment or poor glycaemic control.Some DM-ESRD patients had only background retinopathy at thestart of haemodialysis and these were likely to have the nephroscleroticglomerular lesion. They were old, not nephrotic and had a milddegree of diabetes during the predialysis stage. Thus, DM-ESRDpatients seem to have some heterogeneity in their clinical characteristics,and old DM-ESRD patients with only background retinopathy havethe appearance of diabetic macroangiopathy rather than microangiopathy.
Keywords:chronic renal failure   diabetic retinopathy   diabetic nephropathy   haemodialysis   rehabilitation
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