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引用本文:耿丽,张育红. 医学院校在校生蠕形螨感染调查与分析[J]. 中国病原生物学杂志, 2011, 0(10)
作者姓名:耿丽  张育红
摘    要:目的了解医学院校大学生蠕形螨感染现状。方法使用透明胶纸粘贴法,对2006和2007级在校大学生感染蠕形螨情况进行调查,并鉴定虫种。结果 540名学生中,蠕形螨感染267人,感染率49.44%。其中2006和2007级学生感染率分别为52.78%和44.44%;男、女生感染率分别为48.58%(103/212)和50.00%(164/328);单纯毛囊蠕形螨感染163人(占61.05%),单纯皮脂蠕形螨感染37人(占13.86%),混合感染者67人(占25.09%);鼻部螨虫感染211人(占79.02%),额部螨虫感染78人(占29.21%),颊部螨虫感染81人(占30.34%)。结论在校大学生蠕形螨感染率较高,以毛囊蠕形螨感染为主,感染部位主要为鼻部。

关 键 词:蠕形螨  感染  调查  大学生  

Investigation and analysis of human Demodex infection among students of a medical college
GENG Li,ZHANG Yu-hong. Investigation and analysis of human Demodex infection among students of a medical college[J]. Journal of Pathogen Biology, 2011, 0(10)
Authors:GENG Li  ZHANG Yu-hong
Affiliation:GENG Li1,ZHANG Yu-hong2
Abstract:Objective To ascertain the prevalence of human Demodex infection among students of this medical college.Methods The entering class of 2006 and entering class of 2007 were examined for human Demodex infection and the species were identified.Results A total of 540 university students were examined.There were 267 students infected with human Demodex.The infection rate was 49.44% for both classes.The infection rate was 52.78% in part of the class of 2006.The infection rate was 44.44% in part of the class of 200...
Keywords:Demodex  infection  investigation  college students  
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